The Coaches' Code of Conduct applies to all Coaches' in badminton at all
levels of the sport
Why this is important
A Code of Conduct has a number of important functions.
- It sets out what behaviour is acceptable and unacceptable.
- Defines standards of practice expected from those to whom it applies.
- Forms the basis for challenging and improving practice.
- Helps to safeguard staff by encouraging them to adhere to agreed standards of practice.
- Sets out for children and parents the standards of practice which they and the organisation should expect from those who work/volunteer with children.
Special Olympics Derbyshire/Derbyshire Allstars Badminton Club supports and requires all coaches to observe the following standards of practice including verbal and non-verbal actions when involved in activities with children.
All concerns about breach of this Code of Conduct will be taken seriously
and responded to in line with Special Olympics Derbyshire/Derbyshire
Allstars Badminton Club Disciplinary Procedure and Procedure for Responding to Concerns.
Good Practice
- Make sport fun, enjoyable and promote fair play.
- Treat all children equally, with respect, dignity and fairness.
- Involve parents/carers wherever possible.
- Build balanced relationships based on mutual trust the decision making process.
- Always work in an open environment. Avoid private or unobserved situations.
- Put the welfare of each child first before winning or achieving performance goals.
- Be an excellent role model including not smoking or drinking alcohol in the company of children.
- Give enthusiastic and constructive feedback rather than negative criticism.
- Recognise the developmental needs and capacity of children and avoid excessive training and competition, pushing them against their will and putting undue pressure on them.
- Listen, respect and maintain confidentiality when a child/young player discussing something of a personal nature with you - unless report of abuse/poor practice and action must be taken and incidents reported.
Practice to be avoided
In your role within Special Olympics Derbyshire/Derbyshire Allstars Badminton Club
- Having 'favourites' - this could lead to resentment and jealousy by other children and could be misinterpreted by others.
- Spending excessive amounts of time with children away from others.
- Entering children's bedrooms on trips away from home, unless in an emergency situation or in the interest of health and safety. If it is necessary to enter rooms, alert the occupants by knocking and announcing your intention to enter. The door should remain open, if appropriate.
- Where possible, doing things of a personal nature for children that they can do for themselves.
Unacceptable Practice
In the context of your role within Special Olympics
Derbyshire/Derbyshire Allstars Badminton Club the following practices are considered unacceptable.
- Engaging in sexually provocative games, including horseplay.
- Engaging in rough or physical contact except as permitted within the rules of the game or competition.
- Forming intimate emotional, physical or sexual relationships with children.
- Allowing or engaging in touching a child in a sexually suggestive manner.
- Allowing children to swear or use sexualised language unchallenged.
- Making sexually suggestive comments to a child, even in fun.
- Reducing a child to tears as a form of control.
- Allowing allegations made by a child to go unchallenged, unrecorded or not acted upon.
- Inviting or allowing children to stay with you at home.
- Coaches and other leaders sharing a room alone with a child for sleeping accommodation.
- Never encourage rough or physical contact out with the rules of the game.
The use of social Media Sites
Special Olympics Derbyshire/Derbyshire Allstars Badminton Club coaches are in a position of trust and/or responsibility should not be in contact with young people through social networking sites if they hold a position in respect of that individual young person. Should a young person in your session request to become a named friend on your Social Networking Page or request that you become a named friend on the young person's Social Networking Page, you should decline if any of the following apply:
- You are in a position of responsibility in respect of that young person.
- You hold a position of trust and responsibility in the club or organisation.
- Your contact with the child is through a Special Olympics Derbyshire/Derbyshire Allstars Badminton Club activity any parent/guardian does not give their consent to such contact.
Code of Conduct Parents
Squad players are asked to show a professional attitude in both performance and appearance throughout all sessions: this includes arriving in a fit state to train with suitable equipment and training between sessions. Parents/guardians play a vital role in the development of the player and a guide to being a badminton parent has been produced to give advice on how best to support your child. We ask that you adhere the statements below.
All parents/guardians are asked to adhere to the undernoted,
- To ensure, whenever possible, that your child arrives a few minutes early for all sessions.
- To show respect to fellow parents/guardians; and to demonstrate appropriate social behaviour.
- Never speak negatively to, or about other players or anyone else.
- To respect court officials' decisions.
- To note that you can watch sessions, but are asked not to communicate with your child during such sessions.
- To treat all players, with the same respect granted to your own child: without your children's opponents, there would be no matches!
- To ensure that your child is collected safely at the end of each sessions, or that they have permission to travel home by other means.
The responsibility of the coach starts as the player and coach enter the
facility and ends at the point the player is collected by the parent/guardian or if parentally stipulated leaves the facility at the conclusion of the session.
Code of Conduct Players
Special Olympics Derbyshire/Derbyshire Allstars Badminton Club undertakes to inform with adequate notice squad members and appointed staff of all relevant tournaments and training programmes, plus procedures and criteria for travel and accommodation. Special Olympics Derbyshire/Derbyshire Allstars Badminton Club has appropriate insurance in place to cover training/tournaments. All staff appointed to the squad will have signed this Code of Conduct, attended (or made a commitment to attend) Child Protection Training, and completed a self-declaration form disclosing any and all criminal convictions.
Commitment from players
The undernoted constitutes the Players' Code of Conduct. In accepting a place in the squad, players should note that any breaches of the undernoted may result in deselection from the squad.
- Players should remain respectful, focused and committed during all squad sessions, tournaments and on squad trips.
- Players should behave well at all times and be respectful to other players, coaches and tournament officials, noting that the use of bad language and/or repeated emotional outbursts are unacceptable.
- Similarly, derogatory statements about others are unacceptable. Players are expected to be punctual for sessions and meetings.
- If circumstances warrant a player being late, wherever possible they are asked to contact the appropriate coach/person to let them know, PRIOR to the arranged session/meeting start time.
- At no time should players either consume alcohol or take non- prescription medicine.
- Players are asked to arrange any meetings or medical/physiotherapy treatment to avoid conflicting with agreed training sessions, where possible.
If any member of the squad breaks any of the above points, the following process will apply:
- First instance: removed from session by the coach. The incident will be recorded and reported to parents/guardians.
- Second instance: Suspension from sessions for up to one month. Suspension will be in advised in writing to both player and parents.
Code of Conduct Officials & Volunteers
The officials and volunteer Code of Conduct applies to all referees. umpires, line judges, tournament organisers and volunteers in badminton at all levels of the sport.
Why is this important
A Code of Conduct has a number of important functions.
- It sets out what behaviour is acceptable and unacceptable.
- Defines standards of practice expected from those wo whom it applies.
- Forms the basis for challenging and improving practice.
- Helps to safeguard staff by encouraging them to adhere to agreed standards of practice.
- Sets out for children and parents the standards of practice which they and the organisation should expect from those who work/volunteer with children.
Special Olympics Derbyshire/Derbyshire Allstars Badminton Club supports and requires all officials and volunteers to observe the following standards of practice, including verbal and non-verbal actions when in involved in actions with children.
All concerns about breach of this Code of Conduct will be taken seriously and responded to in line with Special Olympics Derbyshire/Derbyshire Allstars Badminton Club Disciplinary Procedure and Procedure for Responding to Concerns.
Good Practice
- Make sport fun, enjoyable
- Treat all children equally, with respect, dignity and fairness.
- Always workin an open environment. Avoid private or unobserved situations.
- Put the welfare of each child first.
- Be an excellent role model including not smoking or drinking alcohol in the company of children.
- Listen, respect and maintain confidentiality when a child/young player discussing something of a personal nature with you - unless report of abuse/poor practice and action must be taken and incidents reported.
At All Times Officials and Volunteers Will:
Treat everyone equally regardless of age, ability, gender, race, religion, ethnic, origin, social status or sexual orientation has the right to be protected from abuse. Compliment and encourage participants. Place the safety and welfare of the participants above all else. Be consistent, objective and courteous when making decisions. Emphasise the spirit of the game rather than the errors. Keep up to date with the latest officiating developments. Remember that you set an example. Your behaviour and comments should be positive and supportive. Report any concerns you may have in relation to a young person, follow reporting procedures laid down by Badminton England and/or the relevant tournament organiser Challenger and/or report discriminatory behaviour.
Officials and Volunteers Will NOT:
- Ridicule or shout at a player/team for making a mistake or not winning.
- Expose players to extreme heat or cold or unacceptable risk of injury.
- Smoke while working/participating in a badminton environment.
- Consume alcohol or illegal substances while working/participating in a badminton environment.
- Use any language/gestures that may cause offence to anyone on the grounds of their age, ability, sex, disability, race, background, gender status or sexual orientation.
- Condone behaviour that contravenes the codes of conduct/prohibited practice.
- Use illegal or dangerous tactics.
- Use social or any other electronic media to publicly criticise any other player or official involved in the game of badminton or otherwise bring the sport into disrepute through inappropriate communications.